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Our monthly newsletter is a full color mailing with news about the latest club happenings, and details on future events. It has consistently earned the "GOLDEN QUILL AWARD" from Old Cars Magazine!
Web Site:
You may have noticed that this web site has 'Members Only' pages. We do our best to keep these pages growing with factory data on Jeepsters, repair and restoration items.
We also continue to add 'Back Issues' of JeepsterNews to hopefully have all 55 years of our club newsletter available to members. These often contain technical items which are helpful to repair and restore your Jeepster.
Private Facebook Page:
Members have access to our own private FB page for the sharing of stories & photos, the buying and selling of cars or parts, etc. Frequent postings there cover upcoming club activities.
ZOOM membership meetings:
When the Pandemic prevented us from holding our Spring & Fall Jeepster Meets in-person, we established a monthly online membership meeting held every last Tuesday of the month at 7:00 PM Eastern Time. The gang gathers together and talks about their cars, repair and restoration questions are answered, etc. We often have a special guest speaker from the automotive world to discuss the latest trends in the hobby.
Free Advertising in JeepsterNews:
If you're buying or selling parts or an entire car members can post free advs. in our newsletter. The 12th of the month prior to publication is the deadline for these advs. We need a digital photo if available, your name and contact information, the city in which the item is located (If it's a car) and the price.
This is a chance to meet other Jeepster People in person! Each Spring and Fall we have meets, generally at destination cities. In the past we've been to Jefferson, Tx, Cincinnati, Oh, Cooperstown, NY, Brigantine/Atlantic City, NJ, Shipshewana, IN, Gettysburg, PA.
Members also get together at local car shows, cruise nights, or in each other's back yards for friendly gatherings!
We're always ready to do our best to answer your questions about the repair or restoration of your Jeepster.
JeepsterNews often features stories and photos about members who enjoy sharing stories about their enjoyment of their cars. Members likewise enjoy learning more about our members via these features!!
Reach out with any questions you may have related to the club, or 1948-1951 Willys Jeepsters in general.
The WOJC membership runs from January 1st to December 31st every year.
If you join during the 1st half of any year, you pay $30.00 dues plus $5.00 for your new member package and postage. This new member package will include a club roster, a club logo window sticker, and all back issues for the year up to that point.
If you join after July 1st during any year, you can pay the half year rate of $15.00 plus $5.00 for your new member package and it's postage.
Language is always changing, and of late, many people have called folks who like Jeeps, "Jeepsters".... Also, some call Willys Military, CJ's, Wagons, Pickup's etc. "Jeepsters" but for the purpose of the Willys Overland JEEPSTER Club we only consider the "JEEPSTER MODEL" as it was built at Toledo Ohio from 1948-1950* to be a "JEEPSTER".
*With the outbreak of the Korean War, 25 June 1950 and lagging sales of "Jeepsters" production was stopped in 1950's with 'Leftovers' being sold as 1951 models.
Colin Peabody, (AZ State Police Ret) our Tech Editor is maintaining a data base of Jeepster VIN's and Photos in an effort to determine how many of the 19,131 Jeepsters ever built have survived! Please forward your VIN and Jeepster Photo to:
Do you have a trailer queen, driver, or project Jeepster? We love them all!
Please send a photo of yourself with your Jeepster Story for sharing on this web site, and in an upcoming edition of "JeepsterNews" !! Send to....
** By sending photo and story you give WOJC a 'Release' to publish said Photo & Story via Club Channels, and on occasion, special features are written and submitted to 'Old Cars Weekly', a national publication for the Old Car Hobby.... Thank You!!
Willys Overland Jeepster Club:
Founded in the Ohio USA area in 1966, the club is an organization of men and women who wish to maintain, restore and enjoy the 1948-1951 Jeepster Model built by Willys Overland at Toledo, Ohio.
WOJC, Inc. aka Willys Overland Jeepster Club
is a Pennsylvania 501c7 Nonprofit Corporation.
Copyright © 2021 Willys Overland Jeepster Club - All Rights Reserved.