Did you know that only 19,131 Jeepsters were built at Toledo, Ohio?
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Did you know that only 19,131 Jeepsters were built at Toledo, Ohio?
There's much to see here. So, take your time, look around, and learn all there is to know about us. We hope you enjoy our site and take a moment to drop us a line.
Request More Membership Information by sending an email to: Jeepsterme@aol.com
Willys Overland Jeepster Club is proud to announce that our monthly newsletter "JeepsterNews" that's available in print or digital has earned the GOLDEN QUILL AWARD presented by Old Cars Weekly! Since this was posted JeepsterNews has also earned the Golden Quill Award for Several years including 2023!
Learn more about it by visiting this link:
Your officers are working to update our new website but we need your help.
We are working on getting you signed up by entering the email you used when joining the club into the system.
This will grant you access to the Members Only Pages!
If you've already joined the club, but don't yet have access to the MEMBERS ONLY PAGES on this website... Reach out to Club Internet/Membership/Newsletter Chairman, Pete Mozzone at........ JeepsterClub@gmail.com .
We'll get your email into the system on this website, and invite you to join the 'Secret' members only FACEBOOK PAGE where members swap photos and stories about their cars, ask technical and restoration questions and enjoy the community that is the WILLYS OVERLAND JEEPSTER CLUB!
Internet, Membership & Newsletter Chm. Pete Mozzone ask you to PLEASE send your Jeepster Photos and Stories to....
We'll do our best to use all appropriate submissions on the club site and possibly in the newsletter !!
WOJC, Inc.
Willys Overland Jeepster Club
Est. 1966
President –Editor JeepsterNews
Pete Mozzone #2103
167 Worcester Street
Taunton, Massachusetts 02780
508-320-JEEP (5337)
Vice President
Kevin Connor #3073
601 Lane Road
Coldwater, MI 49036
Secretary -Treasurer
Newsletter Printing & Mailing
Kevin Stepinski #3086
3100 East Labo Road
Carleton, Michigan 48117
Board of Directors
David Moskowitz, DE
Newsletter Archivist
Joe Franken, CA
Membership retention
Sam Hummell, OH
Club Historian
Karl Kenny, NL, Canada
Museum & Jeep Dealer Contact
Subject to recovery from injury.
Gary Meyers, PA
Chair, Sunshine Committee
Jeff Walters, MI
Jeepster Meet Coordinator
Alicia Kullas, MA
Assistant to the President
Jeepster Meet Munchies writer.
Event Calendar Manager
Honorary Directors
Colin Peabody, Dick Depke
Larry Wozniak
Tech Editor
Colin Peabody
Phoenix, Arizona
WOJC, Inc. is a Pennsylvania 501c7 nonprofit corporation.
Around 1956 when Pete was 5 his dad brought home a WW2 surplus Willys MB Jeep to their summer place on Cape Cod (MA). They did lots of surf fishing, and beach running, and Pete was never the same.
Before being injured Pete was a DaimlerChrysler Gold Certified Jeep Salesman and had been invited to become a DaimlerChrysler Product Trainer.
He got his first Jeep in '67 but always wanted a '48-'51 Willys Jeepster. He finally found one in 1992. Finding club newsletters in the glove box he joined WOJC. During the early 90's Pete belonged to two Jeepster groups, but was most at home with the friends he's made at WOJC.
He wrote the club newsletter, naming it "JeepsterNews" for about 10 years until career demands forced him to pass the ball to then retired Jim Sommer. Upon Jim becoming ill and passing away, another member did JeepsterNews for two years until Pete took the job back in January of 2019.
Over the last few years, Pete has published a Jeepster Calendar and a professional reproduction of a 1950 factory poster which can be purchased by members, or the public.
Over the years, Pete has served as a member of the board of directors, vice president and meet coordinator. He and his wife, Alicia Kullas, have hosted club meets at Cape Cod in 2009, Cooperstown, NY in 2005, and Historic Gettysburg in Fall of 2021. THey co-hosted Nashville, TN with Chuck & Carole Burgess. Pete & Alicia recently hosted the Fall 2023 "Gateway to Cape Cod" Jeepster meet in Wareham, Massachusetts. In September 2024, Alicia and Pete hosted the fall WOJC Jeepster Meet which included a tour of the OLD COLONY HISORY MUSEUM.
While only 19,131 Jeepsters were built at Toledo, Ohio from 1948-1950 with left overs titled as 1951's, the Willys Overland Jeepster Club has members all around the globe! While we're mostly in the US & Canada we have members in the UK, France, Belgium, Germany, New Zealand, Australia, Central America and Israel!
Our 8 page Full Color* 'JeepsterNews" has won the coveted OLD CARS WEEKLY "Golden Quill Award" for many years!
*JeepsterNews is full color except where vintage factory photos are only available in Black & White.
For more information reach out to the club internet/membership chairman....
Pete Mozzone
Please download and mail your membership information to the club Sec/Treas as indicated on form.
Our two National Meets held every year bring folks together from all over to enjoy our '48-'51 Jeepsters but also to socialize and catch up with great friends and meet new ones!
You may notice that this website has a MEMBERS ONLY section. Once you join, your email address will become your KEY to that section!
Also, while we have public Facebook pages to attract new members to this website, we have a "Secret" Facebook page where members swap photos, stories, and restoration/repair tips regarding our '48-'51 Jeepsters!
Ownership of a '48-'51 Willys Overland Jeepster is not required for membership. Only an interest in these wonderful vehicles. Many members will tell you that they've found their greatest friends among their fellow WOJC Members! Review this website and download your membership form today! Welcome Aboard !
Pete Mozzone. Pres., Membership/Newsletter Editor
The Willys Overland Jeepster Club, Inc. is a source of FUN, FAMILY, & FELLOWSHIP for our 360 PLUS members in the US, Canada as well as UK, Europe, and around the globe.
While a good number of members gather together for our Jeepster Meets, many stay in touch via JeepterNews, this website, and our Members Only Facebook Page to exchange photos, stories, repair/restoration questions and answers.
Long time, multi-generational families often think of the membership as their "Jeepster Family" as well!
Did you know only 19,131 Jeepsters were ever built at Toledo Ohio by Willys-Overland?
Club Jeepster Meets are held in cities around the US & Canada and are hosted by club members.
For membership information please request a membership package from Jeepsterme@aol.com
Willys Overland Jeepster Club:
Founded in the Ohio USA area in 1966, the club is an organization of men and women who wish to maintain, restore and enjoy the 1948-1951 Jeepster Model built by Willys Overland at Toledo, Ohio.
WOJC, Inc. aka Willys Overland Jeepster Club
is a Pennsylvania 501c7 Nonprofit Corporation.
Copyright © 2021 Willys Overland Jeepster Club - All Rights Reserved.